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Subject to Change: New Horizons

a grid of some young people

A film chronologically documenting the past year, created by fifteen multidisciplinary Young Creatives.

Beginning in July 2020, 15 artists have responded to the uncertain events of the past year. The artists are a multidisciplinary group of young creatives, past and present, from the Barbican Young Poets, Young Film Programmers, Young Visual Arts Group, National Open Youth Orchestra and Drum Works.

Each month a new piece has been published online responding to current events that occurred in the changing landscape throughout the pandemic. The twelve pieces of film, music, photography and poetry have been edited into one film, a creative chronology documenting a year unlike any other. Watch the film for free in the Level G studio.

Opening times 10am – 7pm. Please note that the installation will not be open on 28, 29, 30 and 31 July 2021.

Tagged with: Young Barbican Free Level G

Please check back soon for the opening hours. Entry to watch the film is free but a maximum capacity will be in place in the Level G studio. You may be asked to wait outside if the studio is at full capacity. The film runs on a loop and is captioned.

The Young Creatives are: Remi Graves, Oliver Cross, Destiny Adeyemi, Jeremiah Brown & Gabriel Jones, Timalka Kalubowila, Georgia Morgan Turner, Mandisa Apena & Tice Cin, Esme Allman, Leo Long, Annie Fan & Cia Mangat, Natasia Patel, Hector Dyer.

£5 Young Barbican exhibition tickets

Aged 14-25? Sign up for free and unlock £5 exhibition tickets for you and a mate

Level G Studio