About the films
We Are Moving by Esther Neslen and Litza Jansz
An animated community engagement project shot at The Mill Community Centre in Walthamstow, describing how we express ourselves as individuals whatever level of artistic ability we have.
Kayayo Carol Gyasi (Waltham Forest)
A documentary about an outsider’s view of the girls in Accra, capital of Ghana who come to the city to work. This is a handheld, edgy documentary style film.
WOMXN - Gystere (International Entry: France)
A sci-fi drama shot on a smartphone raising awareness of police brutality from a young man’s perspective
Hassan Vawda "My Photos"
An alternative way to view the world from the perspective of Ismail . An experimental film with poetry in the image and voiceover.
Jordan Benjamin " Forgotten"
Winner of the Under 18s category, Forgotten is a psychological drama . A teenager portrays how violence pervades the lives of a young man and his girlfriend. But what is real and what is imagined? Strong filmmaking storytelling and performances from Leyton Sixth Form College students.
How to take part
On Tue 16 Jun, visit E17 FIlms website to watch the short films. E17 Film volunteers and admins will also share the content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram with the hashtags #WIFF2020, #llfwatchparty and #LeytonstoneLovesFilm.
Afterwards join the conversation online and share your comments and questions about the films you watched, using the hashtags above.