Directed by Ken Loach, this drama is a gritty and upsetting look at how zero-hour contracts can wreak havoc for some families in Britain. Focusing on Ricky (Kris Hitchen), his wife Abbie (Debbie Honeywood) and their two children, the family have struggled to overcome the impact of the 2008 financial crisis.
When a job arises as a 'self-employed' delivery driver, Ricky hopes it'll be an opportunity to finally get his family back on its feet.
Relaxed screenings are specially tailored for film fans who may be on the autistic spectrum, have Tourette Syndrome, anxiety, sensory difficulties or other learning disabilities.
The cinema environment is tailored to the needs of the audience by having the lights dimmed, though not off, and the volume levels a little lower than usual. Attendees are free to sit in whichever seat they like and can enter and exit the room at any time, with easy access for any wheelchair users. Attendees are free to make noise in these screenings. Staff are trained and ready to assist with any help the audience may need during these trips to the cinema at Barbican.
A visual guide to our cinemas is available to download here.