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ORA Singers: The Music of Rome

LSO St Luke's Resident Ensemble

ORA Singers performing at LSO St Luke's in purple and yellow light

The second concert in ORA Singers' new Design Series, where a different designer is asked to create a unique design around the musical programme and the fantastic space of the Jerwood Hall.

ORA Singers presents a programme inspired by Rome's rich catalogue of Renaissance composers who worked at the Sistine Chapel, from Palestrina to Ingegenri, Marenzio to Porta. The programme is book-ended by two choral classics, the iconic Allegri Miserere, and the modern masterpiece that is MacMillan's setting of the same text. As with all ORA programmes, Renaissance works sit side-by-side with stunning modern reflections and text settings, including the world premiere of two reflections on Palestrina; Edmund Finnis' Improperium expectavit cor meum, and Janet Wheeler's Terra Tremuit.

6.30–7pm Pre-concert discussion with Suzi Digby
Drop-in to a free informal discussion led by ORA Singers' Artistic Director & Founder, Suzi Digby, with featured composers from The Music of Rome. The session will include a discussion with Edmund Finnis, who will receive the world premiere performance of his ORA Singers commission, and a look at the other contemporary music featured in the concert programme.


London Symphony Orchestra

Profile: London Symphony Orchestra

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LSO St Luke's