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maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore (12A)* + virtual ScreenTalk with director Sky Hopinka

Person standing in the doorframe staring out at the ocean

The debut feature film by filmmaker Sky Hopinka, continues the artist’s exploration of indigenous practices and philosophies of reincarnation.

Spoken in mostly in chinuk wawa, a rare language native to the Pacific Northwest, maɬni (pronounced: moth-nee), is an intimate film which centres around two expectant parents, both of whom are also close friends of Hopinka (Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier). As the pair navigate the landscapes of the Columbia River basin, they ruminate on their own relationship with traditions and engagements with the spirit world.

As a member of the Ho-Chunk nation, Sky Hopinka’s work to date has frequently sought to use cinema to explore his own engagements with the tradition, culture, history and politics of his identity and connection to his tribe. Hopinka’s oeuvre has inventively looked at subjects such as language, land politics and protest, and his feature debut positions Hopinka as one of the most exciting filmmakers working in America today.

Tagged with: Cinema

US Dir Sky Hopinka 84 min

Barbican Cinema 2