Armando Iannucci directs an impressive British cast in his latest film, a labour of love and homage to Dickens' writing. This whimsical and fast-paced adaptation stars talented new-comer Jairaj Varsani as the young David Copperfield who finds himself facing hardship after his widowed mother marries the evil Edward Murdstone.
The adult Copperfield (Dev Patel) struggles to find his feet amongst the confusion of love, money, family and class. Co-starring Tilda Swinton, Hugh Laurie, Peter Capaldi and Ben Whishaw, this is another delightfully funny and tender turn from Iannucci.
Our Parent and Baby screenings are designed for adults to enjoy the latest film releases with their young babies, in a relaxed atmosphere with gentler lighting and sound. Screenings are suitable for babies of 12 months or under. Up to four adults can accompany a baby, but adults without a baby will not be admitted.
We have plenty of dedicated space for you to park your baby buggy. For health and safety reasons, we cannot allow buggies inside the cinemas.