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Raphael - The Lord of the Arts (U)

Afternoon Arts

Raphael - Lord of the Arts

Get closer than ever before to the work and life of Raphael Sanzio, whose 37 years left an indelible mark on the artistic world.

Few figures in the history of art have lived a life so full of intensity and fascination. In a well-balanced dialogue between historical reconstruction and expert commentary, the film retraces the most significant moments of Raphael’s life.

Set in 20 locations, two of which are major exclusives as they are private rooms not open to the public – the Vatican Logge and Cardinal Bibbiena’s apartment in the Apostolic Palace – the film explores more than 70 works of art, featuring 30 of the most famous and representative of Raphael’s work, including The Marriage of the Virgin, Madonna del Cardellino (Madonna of the Goldfinch), The School of Athens and the Sistine Madonna.

Filmed in Ultra HD using the latest cinematic technology, the artworks are revealed in stunning detail on the big screen, accompanied by expert commentary and insights.

Tagged with: Cinema Afternoon Arts

89 min

Barbican Cinema 2