Set in a well-appointed London home, this dark comedy unfolds in real time in the present day. Janet (Kristin Scott Thomas) is hosting an intimate gathering of friends to celebrate her promotion to Shadow Minister of Health in the un-named party of opposition. Her husband Bill (Timothy Spall) however, seems to be in shock by the news and appears to be numbing himself with drink. As the guests arrive we learn that almost everybody at the party is trying to conceal a dark secret; what begins as a night with champagne results in an evening that ends with blood on the floor.
Patricia Clarkson, Cillian Murphy, Bruno Ganz, Cherry Jones, and Emily Mortimer co-star in this conventional comedy of social manners, from director Sally Potter.
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Our Parent and Baby screenings are designed for adults to enjoy the latest film releases with their young babies, in a relaxed atmosphere with gentler lighting and sound. Screenings are suitable for babies of 12 months or under.