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a Jean Dubuffet painting featuring white, red and blue abstract shapes
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Barbican announces Feel the Sound – An Exhibition Experience on a Different Frequency
Barbican announces a series of new exhibitions in collaboration with Fondation Giacometti
Barbican announces weekend of free entry to landmark exhibition The Imaginary Institution of India: Art 1975-1998 as part of a Centre-wide celebration of Indian arts, music and culture
The Imaginary Institution of India: Art 1975-1998
Citra Sasmita: Into Eternal Land
Noah Davis
Barbican announces Visual Arts Exhibition Programme for early 2025
Barbican announces first major survey of pioneering Indian art charting the country’s transformations between 1975-1998
Barbican announces events programme for Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art
Barbican’s Lakeside Terrace to be transformed with monumental new public commission by Ibrahim Mahama
Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum: It Will End in Tears
Soufiane Ababri: Their mouths were full of bumblebees but it was me who was pollinated
Francis Alÿs: Ricochets
Unravel: The Power and Politics of Textiles in Art
Barbican announces Public Programme for RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology
Julianknxx: Chorus in Rememory of Flight
Ranjani Shettar: Cloud songs on the horizon
RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology
Barbican Visual Arts Exhibition Programme: spring / summer 2024
RESOLVE Collective: them's the breaks