The Company
Interpretation and manipulation Sebi Escarpenter, Matteo Frau, Dalo Lozano, Mina Trapp
Voiceover Mila von Chobiak
Creative Team
Writers Natalia Barraza, Matteo Frau, Mina Trapp
Director Natalia Barraza
Original Music Matteo Frau
Video Design, Filming and Editing Sebi Escarpenter, Ariel F Verba
Miniatures/Set and Costume Designer Mina Trapp
Lighting Designer Ivan Tomasevic
Miniatures Lighting Designer Sebi Escarpenter
Producer and Promotion Frau Trapp
Event Information
Age guidance: 12+
Running time: 1 hour; there is no interval
BSL-interpreted performance
Wed 29 Jan
BSL-interpreted by Martin Fox-Roberts.
Post-show talk
Wed 29 Jan
Free to same-day ticket holders. BSL-interpreted by Martin Fox-Roberts.
Presented by the Barbican
Photography © Frau Trapp
Telling stories through Micro-Cinema-Theatre
The language of Micro-Cinema-Theatre is very recent and combines audiovisual arts, projected in real time with the performing arts, bringing together the world of cinema with the worlds of theatre, music and objects. As creator Matteo Frau explains, ‘The audience sees a film that is shot live with four cameras. Puppets and miniature set pieces are manipulated live to live music.’
The term ‘micro’ refers to the use of small-scale objects and stage sets which, when filmed and projected, give the impression of being life-sized. This enables the company to explore objects, sets and materials in a new dimension using different types of cameras, creating coherent worlds in two or three dimensions. With the help of music and manipulation, these come to life on the screen. ‘The camera allows a different point of view’, explains director Natalia Barraza. ‘The audience can see the main image on screen, and enjoy the story and the presentation – but the camera brings us even closer to messages that add other information to the story.’
All incoming live material is managed through video, audio or text software.
The story of Five Lines ‘takes place after a climate collapse’, says Mina Trapp, co-creator of the piece. ‘We can see the consequences everywhere, but no urgent measures are taken: it seems as if we are waiting for everything to end. But Five Lines isn’t only an environmental piece; it is also a love story that talks about success and failure, among other things.’
About Frau Trapp
A journey of creativity and passion
Matteo Frau and Mina Trapp met in 2016 when they both participated in a micro-cinema-theatre course, and were fascinated by the miniature world that can be brought to the big screen. They decided to collaborate. They have since played together in several music bands, created a street theatre piece, and they run the creative space, Can Pink i Boogie, in Mataró, Spain. They are currently creating a new production, Out, for autumn 2026. The company live between Switzerland and Spain.
About MimeLondon
MimeLondon is a curatorial project created by Helen Lannaghan and Joseph Seelig, directors of London International Mime Festival (LIMF), which ended in 2023 after five decades of influential success. It supports occasional seasons of contemporary visual theatre, in collaboration with different partner venues.
Continuing its valued, long-standing relationship with the Barbican as its principal venue, this second series features seven productions new to London. A series of workshops based in physical, visual and puppetry theatre also takes place during the same period, together with the online screening of an award-winning short film, The Last Show, documenting the final edition of LIMF and containing interviews with many of the personalities involved in its history.
Find out more at MimeLondon.com
Special Thanks
The company would like to thank the Barbican and MimeLondon teams for their support in presenting this performance.
From the Barbican
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Sir William Russell
Deputy Chair
Tijs Broeke
Deputy Chair
Tobi Ruth Adebekun
Board Members
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Barbican Centre Trust Chair
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Head of Theatre and Dance
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Production Managers
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Technical Managers
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Stage Managers
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Ashley Panton
Stage Door
Julian Fox, aLbi Gravener
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Head of Creative Collaboration
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Operations Manager
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Audience Experience Coordinator
Ayelen Fananas