Saved events

BSL Tour with John Wilson

RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology

Ana Mendieta, Imágen de Yágul, 1973 / 1991.

A British Sign Language tour of the exhibition, exclusively for D/deaf and hard of hearing visitors, highlighting key artworks.

A major group exhibition exploring the relationship between gender and ecology, highlighting the systemic links between the oppression of women and the degradation of the planet.

Featuring around 50 international women and gender non-conforming artists, RE/SISTERS features work from emerging and established artists across the fields of photography and film.The works explore how women’s understanding of our environment has often resisted the logic of capitalist economies which places the exploitation of the planet at its centre. They are presented alongside works of an activist nature that show how women are regularly at the forefront of advocating and caring for the planet.

RE/SISTERS explores environmental and gender justice as indivisible parts of a global struggle. It addresses the power structures that threaten our precarious ecosystem.

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