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The KKK Boutique Ain’t Just Rednecks + Suzanne, Suzanne (15*)

The Films of Camille Billops and James Hatch

Still from The KKK Boutiques Ain't Just Rednecks

Across three very different films, Billops and Hatch explore troubling experiences within families, and how race, gender and class shape everyday life.

From an essay film playfully exploring, through performance, cabaret and interviews, that poses questions relating to interracial marriage.

Suzanne, Suzanne is the seminal work focusing on Billops' niece Suzanne Browning, as she discusses the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her father, and the effect this had on her path to substance abuse. Then, in Take Your Bags, an intimate conversation with a young boy, Camille Billops teaches of the legacy of slavery and the theft of cultural memory.

These films are part of The Films of Camille Billops and James Hatch series, fresh from its run earlier this year in BAM, Brooklyn. These restorations allow new audiences to explore the long difficult to access films that playfully and daringly tackle sexuality, cultural theft, Black masculinity, and class.

The KKK Boutique Ain't Just Rednecks (1994) 2K Digitisation 76 mins
Suzanne, Suzanne (1982) 4K Restoration, 30 min
Take Your Bags (1998), 11 mins

*Local classification certificate

This event will showcase films rated 15. They show descriptions of instances of domestic violence, police violence, physical abuse towards children, addiction and sex/sexuality.

Cinema 2

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